Pixie Power             …a call to female empowerment

About me

Richard “Richey” Stradler

photographer & craft hairdresser & passionate short hair evangelist 

Getting up the courage to finally make a beauty change by cutting off your long hair is a journey. For many women it is one well worth the risk. Words like fabulous, fresh flirty and freeing, the 4-f’s, is what this site is all about.

I am a passionate craft hairdresser and artist who is of the mindset that every woman needs to cut off all her hair at least once in her life in order to experience the empowerment, joy and freedom that only a walk in the short hair lifestyle brings.

So, open your mind and give me a chance to convince you to allow me the privilege make you over. You’re journey can start today. Click below and start typing me a message. Come on, you can do it. Attach a pic and get a free virtual makeover. I want to hear your story. 


I have always loved the look of short sexy hair on my women clientele. I genuinely believe, that, just like men, a  woman’s face is served better by a flattering short yet sexy haircut.  A former salon owner and three time time winner of Craft Hairdresser of the Year award from IBS and lead phot stylist for the 1999 Go Team Hair world tour, I was about to enjoy my retirement when I lost my beautiful bride, and fellow avid short hair evangelist of 29 years, to cancer. Life was sad for a while, but I soon found my voice. How many years as a hairdresser had I heard the words, I love short hair, but just not on me?  And how many had Rosa and I been inspired taken on the challenge to get a client to let go of her long hair, only to share in experience of her newfound freedom? It was thousands, I’d say.

That's why today, if you ever sat me down with a beer, you’d hear me talk about the tyranny of long hair in fashion. Tyranny? Yes, the hairdressing industry is served by billions of dollars of various manufacturers who are hell bent on separating average girls from their money with promises of instant acceptance into the LLEE (look like everyone else) long, bleached balayage flowy hair community. 

 A NEW LOOK and a new movement

 Lockdowns, or knockdowns, as I call it changed the world. For a few years, women everywhere took a fresh look at their beauty routines and began not to just see hair as an accessory, but a part of their lifestyle. Fashion wise, its easy to see that we are about to turn the corner. 

Pixie Power




(267) 560-7537 / Text / Voicemail



Home Makeovers 

All work done on location at your home, place of work or any other convenient spot.

8:00am - 6:00pm


8:00am - 12:30pm



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